How False Doctrine Cuts In On the Truth
Galatians 5:7-12

The Christian life is represented as a race (Gal 5:7)

The persuasion to put themselves under the law did not come from God (Gal 5:8)

Even a small error in doctrine can grow to major proportions (Gal 5:9)

Paul still has hope that the Galatians had not gone so far as to never be restored to the truth (Gal 5:10)

The stumbling block of the cross is that we must trust only in Christ's atoning work rather than in any human effort (Gal 5:11)

Paul extends the logic of circumcision (Gal 5:12)

We must run the race of the Christian life with single-minded purpose and focus, realizing that some would like to "cut in" on us and lead us astray from the truths of God's Word. Even small errors in doctrine can cause severe damage to our ability to live as God wants us to live. We must realize that our actions can have eternal consequences.