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 Newsletter - January 11, 2015

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  1. The Power of Unbelief (John 18:24) 

    Fifteen legal rules were violated when Jesus was placed on trial by the Jews. [1 hour 7 minutes]

    Andy Woods

  2. Our Dilemma before the Law (Romans 2:12-26) 

    Both Jew and Gentile stand condemned before a Holy God and His standard of moral righteousness. [39 minutes]

    Greg Summers

  3. The Transmission of the Soul 

    How do we get our souls? How are our souls transmitted to each of us? There are two positions on this issue which are deemed orthodox: “Creationism,” and “Traducianism.”

    Paul Henebury

  4. Q258 : Learning from Christian Blogs 

    Why is the publication of Christian doctrine on the Internet both a blessing and a curse?

    Tony Garland

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