A402 : by Steve Lewis
The biblical words for disciple (Hebrew limmûd and Greek mathētēs) simply identify a person as a learner or one who is being instructed. In that sense, all saved individuals are disciples who are on the journey to learn and grow spiritually and to follow Christ as the Holy Spirit enables them. Some disciples may appear to be more committed in their discipleship than others, but all saved individuals are disciples.
There are no class distinctions among Christians, with God showing more love to 1st class disciples while other lower class believers are considered less important. I’m reminded of Jesus’ parable of the laborers in the vineyard (Matt 20:1-16). Each one received a full day’s wages no matter how long they worked in the field that day. God does not deal with us “fairly,” and we can thank Him for that. Instead He provides generously for all believers without regard to what we deserve. If you have placed your faith and trust in Christ alone for your eternal salvation, then you are a disciple who has the indwelling Holy Spirit to help you learn and grow throughout your Christian life. |