One of my cherished memories of the times I traveled down to the campus in Texas for various courses was one particular day when Drs Couch and Cook arranged a mystery field trip for our group of students. We got into a van and were driven -- who knows where? -- in the Dallas area. After quite some time, we pulled into the driveway of a nondescript house in a residential neighborhood. Dr. Couch got us out of the van and led us through the back door of the house. We all shuffled into the living room where we awkwardly waited. A few minutes later, who should walk in from the kitchen but Dr. John Walvoord ! We were shocked and thrilled! Dr. Walvoord was about 90 years old at that time. (For those who may not know, Dr. Walvoord was president of Dallas Theological Seminary for many years and wrote numerous books and articles from a dispensational perspective.) As I recall, we spent about an hour conversing with Dr. Walvoord and peppering him with questions. He was still sharp as a tack! Dr. Couch was quite close to Dr. Walvoord and co-authored his biography titled, Blessed Hope . Dr. Couch understood the importance of the line of great teachers who paved the way before us. He was also tireless in his labors for Our Lord and his love of Israel. He will be greatly missed by those who value straightforward teaching from the Scriptures. |
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