The Coming Kingdom - Part 41
� 2015 Andy Woods
In this series, the biblical teaching on the kingdom of
God has been set forth. This series has also scrutinized the New Testament
texts that "kingdom now" theologians rely upon in order to
demonstrate the insufficiency of "kingdom now" theology. We then began
noting why this trend of equating God's present work in the church with the Messianic
kingdom is a matter that believers should be concerned about, since this
theology radically alters God's design for the church and is the seedbed of
many major false doctrines that have entered Christ's church.
In the last installment, we called attention to Clarence
Larkin's warning concerning the impact of how "kingdom now"
negatively impacts the church's calling, purpose, and mission. Larkin noted at
least five consequences that 'kingdom
now" theology has upon Ecclesiology, or the doctrine of the church. Having
already discussed the first two
points, we had moved on to the third
point. Third, because there are not
presently and numerically enough Christians necessary to establish God's
kingdom upon the earth, it becomes necessary for the church to find common
ground with those who do not share its biblical convictions in order to build
the political coalition needed to implement a "kingdom now" social
agenda. Larkin well explains:
The great mistake the Church has made is in appropriating to
herself in this Dispensation the promises of earthly conquest and glory which
belong exclusively to Israel in the �Millennial Age.� As soon as the Church
enters into an �Alliance with the World,� and seeks the help of Parliaments,
Congresses, Legislatures, Federations and Reform Societies, largely made up of
ungodly men and women, she loses her spiritual power and becomes helpless
as a redeeming force.[1]� �
In prior installments, we noted the "kingdom
now" agenda behind popular pastor Rick Warren's "PEACE" plan.
Consequently, it comes as no surprise that Warren has become one of the leading
advocates of ecumenism in our day. Apparently not content to build a bridge to
Roman Catholicism only, Warren also seems to be building a similar bridge into
Islam. Such advocacy of interfaith cooperation across vastly divergent belief
systems is revealed through many of Warren's public statements.
Note, for example, the following prayer that Warren
offered on January 21, 2009 at President elect Obama's inauguration: ��I
humbly ask this in the name of the one who changed my life, Yeshua, Isa,
Jesus [Spanish pronunciation], Jesus, who taught us to pray...�
(italics added).[2]
While most would recognize in Warren's prayer the Hebrew rendering of Jesus (Yeshua) as well as the Spanish
pronunciation of the name Jesus, who is "Isa"? World religions expert
Eric Barger well explains Isa's true identity:
There I was, watching all of the regalia of the presidential
inauguration...Of course, I was also waiting to see just what kind of prayer
Rick Warren had co-opted to pray for the new incoming President and his
administration...The inaugural prayer was proceeding along and Warren was
rightly praying for God to lead and protect Obama...So, just when I thought I
could say "amen," it happened. Warren said "I humbly ask this in
the name of the one who changed my life, Yeshua, Isa, Jesus [Spanish
pronunciation], Jesus, who taught us to pray, "Our father who art in
Heaven..."...I have researched Islam for many years. Last year I
ministered concerning the history, theology and intentions of Islam over 40
times in churches and conferences so naturally, Warren's use of the name of
Isa, the false Jesus of Islam, was a glaring slap in the face to all that he
had already prayed. "Isa" in no way represents the Jesus of the Bible
but is instead the false Jesus of the Qur'an (Koran) and the Muslim Hadith.
"Isa" (pronounced "eee-sa") is the Islamic Jesus who was
but a prophet and who certainly did not experience a sacrificial death on a
cross let alone resurrect from the dead. In fact, in Islam the prophet Isa is
actually the destroyer of Christianity - not it�s Savior. Obviously, this is
simply NOT the same Jesus as is Yeshua.[3]
Thus, Warren in his inaugural prayer seems to equate the
Muslim Jesus with the biblical Jesus. The bottom line is that if you are going
to try to build the Kingdom of God on the earth, there are not enough
Christians in the world to accomplish this goal. Thus, you have to start
cooperating with people of different faiths, like Catholics and Muslims. Such
spiritual ecumenism represents the natural outworking of the church viewing
itself as the kingdom of God.
Fourth, Larkin
observed that the discarding of the study of Bible prophecy naturally takes
place when "kingdom now" theology gains a foothold in the church. As
noted earlier, Larkin observed, "The 'Kingdom Idea' has robbed the Church
of her 'UPWARD LOOK,' and of the 'BLESSED HOPE.' There cannot be any 'Imminent
Coming' to those who are seeking to 'Set up the Kingdom.'"[4]
After all, why be overly preoccupied with God's predicted prophetic plan
involving the future overthrow of the Antichrist and His subsequent reign if
the church is presently bringing in the kingdom? As already noted, popular
pastor Rick Warren is heavily involved in a kingdom now agenda through his
"PEACE" plan. Thus, it should also come as no surprise that Warren is
a leading critic of those who invest time and energy into seeking to discover
what the Bible reveals concerning the future. Interestingly, Warren appears to
have a special animus for those who he deems are overly preoccupied with
Eschatology, which is the study of God's plan for the future. He writes:
When the disciples wanted to talk about prophecy, Jesus
quickly switched the conversation to evangelism. He wanted them to concentrate
on their mission in the world. He said in essence, �The details of my return
are none of your business. What is your business is the mission I have given
you. Focus on that!� If you want Jesus to come back sooner, focus on fulfilling
your mission, not figuring out prophecy. Speculating on the exact timing of Christ�s return is futile, because
Jesus said, �No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in
heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.� Since Jesus said He didn�t know the
day or hour, why should you try to figure it out? What we do know for sure is
this: Jesus will not return until everyone God wants to hear the Good News has
heard it. Jesus said, �The Good News about God�s kingdom will be preached in
all the world, to every nation. Then the end will come.� If you want Jesus to
come back sooner, focus on fulfilling your mission, not figuring out prophecy.
It is easy to get distracted and
sidetracked from your mission because Satan would rather have you do anything
besides sharing your faith. He will let you do all kinds of good things as long
as you don�t take anyone to heaven with you. But the moment you become serious
about your mission, expect the Devil to throw all kinds of diversions at you.
When that happens, remember the words of Jesus: �Anyone who lets himself be
distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of God."[5]
According to Warren's line of thought, those that overly
meditate upon the over one-quarter of the Bible devoted to Eschatological truth
are date setting, pursuing un-Christ-like priorities, unconcerned about
evangelism, involved in a distraction, being influenced by Satan, and are unfit
for the Kingdom of God! Yet the study of Bible prophecy should not be so
quickly discredited and discarded since: "...we have the prophetic
word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp
shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in
your hearts (2 Pet. 1:19)."
Progressive Dispensationalists also emphasize
"kingdom now" theology through their belief that Christ now
orchestrates an "already" and spiritual phase of the Davidic Kingdom
as He now reigns from David's Throne, allegedly in heaven. Thus, it again is
not surprising to discover that Progressive Dispensationalists deemphasize
Bible Prophecy in general. Key prophetic passages receive scant attention in
their teachings and writings. Charles Ryrie observes how Progressive
Dispensationalists are guilty of:
...ignoring the great prophecy of the seventy weeks in Daniel
9:24�27. Nowhere in the progressives' writings to date have I found any
discussion of the passage, only very brief and occasional citations of the
reference itself...While not denying the pre-tribulation Rapture or the literal
tribulation period, revisionists do not give much attention to these aspects of
eschatology. Blaising and Bock do not take obvious opportunities to mention the
Rapture, and in one place (discussing 1 Thessalonians 5) they say only that the
rapture "would appear to be pre-tribulational." They decry (as do
many of us normative dispensationalists) the sensationalism of some
interpreters of prophecy. But abuse of a doctrine is no reason for playing down
the truth of that doctrine. Rather, it ought to make us more zealous to present
it accurately and in a balanced fashion. Furthermore, there exists already in
the writings of progressives a thrust towards positioning the Revelation as a
book that is "difficult" to interpret. Playing up the imagery in the
book, as some revisionists do, seems to play down a plain interpretation of it.
The locusts in chapter 9 and Babylon in chapters 17 and 18 are examples of such
"literal/symbolic difficulty" in interpreting the book.[6]
Again, the bottom line is that if the kingdom is now then the present should be our focus rather than some future event. Such a presupposition logically leads to a discarding of Bible prophecy.
�(To Be Continued...)
[1] Clarence Larkin, Rightly Dividing
the Word (Glenside, PA: Clarence Larkin Estate, 1920), 48.
[3] Eric Barger, �Rick
Warren Invokes the Name of Islamic Jesus at Obama Inauguration,� online:;wap2,
January 2009, accessed 4 January 2015.
[4] Clarence Larkin, The Second Coming
of Christ (Glenside, PA: Clarence Larkin Estate, 1918), 51.
[5] Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life
(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002), 285-86.
[6] Charles Ryrie, Dispensationalism
(Chicago: Moody, 1995), 176-77.