�[This article was adapted from a Telos Theological Ministries newsletter.[1]]
Scientism isn't Science
Every Christian
is familiar with the problem of the strident dogmatism of many scientists and
their disciples. They love to poke fun at faith and the Bible, seeing
themselves as having outgrown such myths. They trust in Science.
Science and the declarations of its knowledge elites is their god. In his
book Monopolizing Knowledge, MIT Nuclear Physicist Ian
Hutchinson has labeled Scientism, the belief that all knowledge comes from the
natural sciences, as �a ghastly intellectual mistake.� Yet it
is a persistent and habitual mistake which shows no signs of
Many a scientist
will say they are simply looking for natural explanations of phenomena they
come across. If that really were the case, there would be no difficulty
at all. But that is not so. Scientism is on a quest. The goal
is driven by a rigidly held belief that �Science� is a God-free edifice.
Hence, "looking for natural explanations" is actually �permitting
only naturalistic explanations.� Once we change the adjective to
�naturalistic� we can see better what the project is that is being
pursued. It is an anti-supernaturalistic universe that is so urgently
desired by these people, and the device used to insure the supernatural realm
keeps out of the way is the philosophical procedure called �methodological
naturalism� (MN).
In a strange
twist of fate MN was actually introduced by Christian natural theologians
embarrassed by the �awkward� or even �evil� design of things in the
world. These men did not wish to ascribe such things as disease and
parasites to God. But, as the Enlightenment came into full swing, the
Bible was attacked and Christianity doubted and science as naturalism went its
own way with MN to guide it. Oftentimes today science is actually defined
as MN, whether it needs to be defined that way or not. It does not.
As Phillip E. Johnson notes,
MN in science is
only superficially reconcilable with theism...When MN is understood profoundly,
theism becomes intellectually untenable... A methodological naturalist defines
science as the search for the best naturalistic theories. A theory would
not be naturalistic if it left something (such as the existence of genetic
information or consciousness) to be explained by a supernatural cause.[2]
Or as Stephen
Meyer describes it,
scientists should
accept as a working assumption that all features of the natural world can be
explained by material causes without recourse to purposive intelligence, mind,
or conscious agency[3]
But true science
need not be enclosed within a naturalistic paradigm; methodological or
metaphysical. Indeed, to do so is to close off purpose (teleology) to
science. That sounds good to the naturalist until it is realized that
scientists routinely employ purpose in their theories, and expect to find it in
the extended world (e.g. medical diagnosis, forensics, SETI, or
archaeology). Ah, but teleological answers are fine if we can confine
them to the physical world. They are not fine if they lead to God!
Scientism and Information
But as Johnson
shows in the above quote, and as Stephen Meyer, Michael Behe, William Dembski,
Werner Gitt and others have demonstrated, science so straight-jacketed is
incompetent to explain informational systems. And yet it is the presence
of complex information which is confronting MN everywhere.
To say such a
thing is not to say that science done by Christians is superior to science done
in the non-Christian mode. Non-Christians can and have made great scientific
breakthroughs. But as Cornelius Van Til stated:
science has worked with the borrowed capital of Christian theism, and for that
reason alone has been able to bring to light much truth.[4]
Whether we
acknowledge the fact or not, we function as image-bearers discovering things
which inform us in some way about the Creation. Claiming we can acquire
knowledge about the world via methodological naturalism, which is a denial of
the revelatory character of the world, leads naturally to the teaching that we
should think independently of God (i.e. knowledge can be arrived at by NOT
thinking God's thoughts after Him). But since all that is within the
world is pre-known and pre-interpreted by God this position is
anti-biblical. Van Til said,
The knowledge of God is inherent in man. It is there by virtue of his creation
in the image of God. God witnessed to them through every fact of the universe
from the beginning of time� God made man a rational moral creature, he will
always be that. As such, he is confronted with God, he is addressed by God. To
not know God, man would have to destroy himself; he cannot do this. There is no
non-being into which man can slip in order to escape God�s face and voice.[5]
As he said in
another place, "Man is revelational to himself."
The upshot is that whatever we do, whether driving a golf buggy or potting a
plant or calculating the density of a star, or conducting a lab experiment, we
are using God's gifts in God's world, and we should use them in ways pleasing
to God (cf. 1 Cor. 10:31).
Science certainly
deals with the natural world. But the natural world is revelatory.
MN denies this. Thus,
Holy Scripture teaches
that God very definitely, consciously, and intentionally, reveals himself in
nature and history in the heart and conscience of human beings. When people do
not acknowledge and understand this revelation, this is due to the darkening of
their mind, and therefore renders them inexcusable.[6]
"inexcusability" does not cease when a person dons a lab coat or
enters a university lecture hall. How could it?
Here is another
quote from a Dutch theologian:
He is the Creator,
to whom also the mountains belong, but in the light of his universal power as
Creator, all things are revealed in their absolute creatureliness. Everything
which is able to impress us deeply, partakes of this creatureliness. All variations
of nature do not cancel the common denominator: creature.[7]
�creatureliness� of the world, and our status as spokesmen for the world, will
not allow us to employ any naturalistic outlook. Scientism is not on a
search for truth. It is a highhanded and arrogant dismissal of God and
His General Revelation in nature. It is �a ghastly mistake� because it is
so obviously the invention of intellectual pride. Confessing themselves
to be wise, they became fools (Rom. 1:22).
[1] http://telosministries.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/j/4EF975ABCF68A4A2/1F06E90BA3D00A816A4D01E12DB8921D
[2] Reason in the Balance, 208.
[3] Darwin's Doubt, 19. (Meyer rejects this view.)
[4] Cited in Greg L. Bahnsen, Van Til�s Apologetic: Readings & Analysis, 377.
[5] Cornelius Van Til, The Defense of the Faith, (1955), 172.
[6] Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, Volume I, 340.
[7] G.C. Berkouwer, General Revelation, 123.
(Source: SpiritAndTruth.org)