Q384 : Where are fallen angels during the Millennial Kingdom?

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Q384 : Where are fallen angels during the Millennial Kingdom?

I hope all is well, and just wanted to thank you again for your willingness to take the time and answer Biblical questions. You have helped me tremendously, and I am sure everyone else can say the same. We appreciate your obedience!

My question is about the fallen angels. Particularly regarding when they will be sent to the lake of fire talked about in Matt 25:41. We see Satan being "bound" in Revelation 20:1-3, but it doesn't say anything about his minions the fallen angels. We do see some have already been bound from 2 Peter 2:4, but that obviously can't be all of them.

I know there are a lot of different views that could come to play in this answer, but do you believe the fallen angels will still be unbound during the Millennial Kingdom? Meaning, still be able to tempt/torment the people with physical bodies in the Millennium? If no, when are they bound? If yes, when will they be bound?

A384 : by Tony Garland

It is my view that, in much the same way that Satan is bound in the abyss during the Millennium (Rev. 20:2a), unclean spirits ("his angels," Rev. 12:9) will be restricted to the regions of Babylon and Edom. Some may also be incarcerated with Satan in the abyss (Luke 8:31). Thus, mankind will not be subject to malevolent spiritual influences during the Millennium.

See the discussion in my Revelation commentary on Revelation 18:2b.

Although Scripture is not explicit as to when fallen angels are cast into the Lake of Fire, it is said to be their ultimate destination (Mat. 25:41). It seems most likely they participate in Satan's rebellion at the end of the Millennium — to be committed to the Lake of Fire with Satan thereafter (Rev. 20:10c), prior to the Great White Throne judgment.

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