Q99 : Resources on Daniel

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Q99 : Resources on Daniel

I am leading a Bible Study on the Book of Daniel and am looking forward to your completed resources on Daniela.

What other resources, (books and articles) would you recommend for studying Daniel?

I have Walvoord's and Miller's commentaries as well as G. L. Archer's contribution in the Expositors Bible Commentary and the contribution by J. Dwight Pentecost in The Bible Knowledge Commentary. Also, I have a digital copy of E. B. Pusey's "Daniel the Prophet" and John MacArthur's study notes on Daniel in the MacArthur Study Bible. A search of the Internet has also provided Edgar Rickard's commentary from his website, "The Moorings". This seems to be a lot but as I dedicate many hours of study to the Book of Daniel, I realize that the assistance of scholars who hold to the absolute veracity, sufficiency, inerrancy and God-breathed authorship and authority of Scriptures and to the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church would be an asset.

A99 : by Tony Garland

I am blessed to know some of our materials on the Book of Daniel may prove helpful as you teach through the book.

It sounds like you have already made an excellent start in finding some great materials and reliable teachers to help you glean the most possible as you study the book in preparation for to each others this book which is foundational to understanding the 'big picture' of Israel among the Gentile nations in the full scope of history.

As you no doubt realize, there is a tremendous amount of information available on Daniel, but finding the material which offers the most value for the time spent is a challenge. Here are some additional suggestions that may prove worth considering.

  • For a more extensive list of study materials, see the bibliography for the Daniel commentaryi which I'm in the progress of developing.
  • May God bless your efforts as you study this rewarding book and make it known to others in a time where prophetic passages are so frequently mishandled (often being either sensationalized or ignored).

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