Topic: Inspiration

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407Does the Bible merely contain the Word of God?

Good day Mr. Garland, Thank you for . . . . . [read more]

347Can we Understand the Old Testament without the New Testament?

Christians that support Replacement Theology often see the Old Testament and Israel as a shadow of the things to come, Israel is like the incomplete . . . [read more]

256Verifying New Testament Teaching Prior to the Close of the Canon

I have an historical question. I was wondering what kind of teaching the apostles had and especially the apostle Paul. I realised when Paul wrote 2Tim.3:16-17 : . . . . . [read more]

230Going Beyond the Canon

I came across your commentary on Revelation while researching earlier today. Even though I’m not a pre-trib supporter I have no problem working with other . . . [read more]

199Does Jude Quote from the Book of Enoch?

My question involves this: my church is quoting from the book of Enoch and saying it is a good book to read. I am very uncomfortable with the noncanonical books and your site has helped me . . . [read more]

149Is an Inconsistent Bible Consistent with Divine Inspiration?

Who on earth has the ability to follow the rambling explanation you give regarding the two differing genealogies of Jesus in the Gospels? I appreciate the efforts of . . . [read more]

131The Canon and the Church Fathers

The question I have is about church fathers who directly succeeded the apostles—the “second generation church fathers,” such as St. Polycarp. My question is why are the writings of the . . . [read more]

73Is the KJV Bible Inspired of God?

In a recent article on Christian parenting regarding how to study the Bible, the author makes the statement, . . . the King James Bible is indeed accurately translated and is the preserved . . . [read more]

23How Can Fallen Men Know Truth?

I was was listening to what Alan Watts teaches about eastern philosophies and found this: “The assumption of Judeo-Christian culture is that man is by nature sinful and therefore can't be . . . [read more]

1Authorship of Revelation

Just out of curiosity, does it really matter the identification of the "hand" that held the pen or is it more important to realize the spirit behind the hand? If we rest on a . . . [read more]

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