Topic: Security, Eternal

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408Can we know whether sinning Christians are true believers or not?

A few days ago I read: Q 139: Can Salvation be Lost? I don't want to assess that man's heart of course. I think, we are not allowed to do it, only God has got the very . . . [read more]

403Stewardship vs. Salvation

We have to give an account of our stewardship. Does this affect our . . . . . [read more]

397Resources on Calvinism

Thanks for your answers to questions concerning Calvinism:

396Are Christians at Risk of Being Cast into Outer Darkness?

Hello Tony, I heard a preacher who claims . . . . . [read more]

289Who is an Overcomer?

Hello Tony, I am having difficulty understanding about the overcomers of Revelation in the letters to the churches (Rev. 2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21). From your teaching it sounds like all . . . [read more]

239Interpretive Bias in the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Greetings in Christ, I've long appreciated the Spirit & Truth website and ministry, especially in the area of prophecy and of general Biblical studies. Recently I obtained a copy of the . . . [read more]

236TULIP and Calvinism

Can you clarify if a statement of faith confessing T.U.L.I.P. is really just Calvinism? I do not believe in the five points and left a church, with a new pastor voted in . . . [read more]

187Depravity, Salvation and Security

Hi Tony, I follow the teachings of both you and Jack Kelley. I was surprised to see the differences of opinion concerning the assurance of salvation of Tribulation believers, so I emailed . . . [read more]

186Can Tribulation Saints Lose Their Salvation? (Part 2)

Could you comment on this article by Jack Kelly which maintains that only the Church has been . . . [read more]

185Can Tribulation Saints Lose their Salvation? (Part 1)

Could you comment on this article by Jack Kelly which maintains that only the Church has been . . . [read more]

181George Peters and the Partial Rapture View

I've been listening to your Revelation commentary. (It's extraordinary!) Near the end, you've recommended George Peters' The Theocratic Kingdom. I . . . [read more]

139Can Salvation be Lost?

I have been told by many ministers two different tales of salvation. One says "once saved always saved," another says "no, a person CAN fall from grace." My mind is trying . . . [read more]

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