The Biblical Canon

Paul Henebury

Paul Henebury presents a series of lectures concerning the Biblical Canon. This material is part of a course on the same subject which may be undertaken for credit at Telos Biblical Institute. [5 hours, 36 minutes]

This course on the Canon of Scripture examines the two parts of the Bible successively. Thus, a thorough look at the issues pertaining to the Canon of the Old Testament Scriptures is taken up in the first part of the course, leaving the New Testament for the second part. This approach is not always taken but I believe it will better train the mind of the student to appreciate the convergences and the divergences of the canonicity of the two Testaments. It has not been my intention to give background details for the individual books, nor to introduce the reader to the intricacies of Textual Criticism, although some interest will be taken in New Testament Textual Criticism as it relates to this subject. Further, it has been my practice not to stray down the many paths of related (and interesting) topics, but to plow a straight furrow through the subject matter as given in the Outline. I have tried to avoid needlessly complicating the issue, although I have also steered clear of overly simplistic explanations (e.g. of the Septuagint; the influence of Marcion, etc.).


  1. To provide students with a good grasp of the nature of the Biblical Canon and the issues involved in canonicity.
  2. To be informed about how Liberals approach the subject.
  3. To understand the Bible's testimony to its canonical status.
  4. To understand how the Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls and Apocrypha affect the issue.
  5. To appreciate the proper criteria of canonicity.
  6. To be able to articulate the concept of an "imposed" Canon.


01 Important Definitions Important Definitions
Dr. Henebury discusses important terms to set the stage for understanding the Biblical Canon. [29 minutes]
02 Inspiration and Canonicity Inspiration and Canonicity
Dr. Henebury clarifies the important distinction between writings which are inspired by God and writings which were intended by the Holy Spirit to form part of the Biblical Canon in service to the Church through the ages. [30 minutes]
03 Inspiration Canonicity and the Witness of Jesus Inspiration, Canonicity, and the Witness of Jesus
Dr. Henebury discusses the role of inspiration in relation to the canon of Scripture and what Jesus believed concerning the authority and origin of the Scriptures. [23 minutes]
04 Liberal Views of the OT Canon Liberal Views of the Old Testament Canon
Dr. Henebury familiarizes the student with some of the views held by liberal theologians in their approach to the Old Testament canon. [31 minutes]
05 The Threefold OT Canon 1 The Threefold Old Testament Canon: Part 1
Aspects of the Hebrew Old Testament canon, consisting of the Law, Prophets, and Writings are considered. [44 minutes]
06 The Threefold OT Canon 2 The Threefold Old Testament Canon: Part 2
Aspects of the Hebrew Old Testament canon, consisting of the Law, Prophets, and Writings are considered. [25 minutes]
07 Issues Relating to the NT Canon Issues Relating to the New Testament Canon
Dr. Henebury addresses factors to be aware of when considering the nature of the Canon of the New Testament. [44 minutes]
08 What About Lost Gospels What About "Lost Gospels"
What is a Christian to make about the frequently-heard claims concerning "lost gospels"? Is the Canon of Scripture missing important books which are only now coming to light? [38 minutes]
09 Evangelistic Approach to NT Canonicity The Evangelistic Approach to Canonicity
How should those who take seriously the self-claims of Scripture approach questions of canonicity? [26 minutes]
10 The Covenantal Authority of the Bible The Covenantal Authority of the Bible
How does the covenantal structure of the Bible testify to its historic validity? [19 minutes]
11 Recognition of the Canon in the Sub-Apostolic Era 1 The Recognition of the Canon in the Sub-Apostolic Era: Part 1
Following the apostolic era, when and how were the inspired documents of Scripture recognized as such? [27 minutes]
12 Recognition of the Canon in the Sub-Apostolic Era 2 The Recognition of the Canon in the Sub-Apostolic Era: Part 2
Following the apostolic era, when and how were the inspired documents of Scripture recognized as such? [27 minutes]

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(Version 1.5 generated on Sat Dec 2 20:54:01 2023)