John by Andy Woods |
Session | Description |
01 Introduction to John | Introduction to John Andy introduces the book of John which presents Jesus as the Son of God in order that men might believe and have eternal life in His name (John 20:30-31). [61 minutes] |
02 Introduction to John | Introduction to John: Part 2 Andy continues his introduction of the book of John which presents Jesus as the Son of God in order that men might believe and have eternal life in His name (John 20:30-31). [68 minutes] |
03 John 1 1-5 | A Heavenly Genealogy - Part 1 John begins his gospel by establishing the eternal genealogy of Jesus, the God-man. [68 minutes] |
04 John 1 6-13 | A Heavenly Genealogy - Part 2 John begins his gospel by establishing the eternal genealogy of Jesus, the God-man. [67 minutes] |
05 John 1 14-18 | A Heavenly Genealogy - Part 3 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. [56 minutes] |
06 John 1 19-28 | A Critical Witness Priests and Levites challenge John the Baptist who denies he is The Christ, but points to another coming after him. [63 minutes] |
07 John 1 29-34 | Behold the Lamb of God - Part 1 (John 1:29-34) Jesus, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, baptizes internally with the Holy Spirit rather than externally with water. [38 minutes] |
08 John 1 29-34 | Behold the Lamb of God - Part 2 (John 1:29-34) Jesus, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, baptizes internally with the Holy Spirit rather than externally with water. [57 minutes] |
09 John 1 35-42 | Christ's First Believers (John 1:35-42) Peter and Andrew follow the Lamb of God identified by John the Baptist. [57 minutes] |
10 John 1 43-51 | A Stairway to Heaven (John 1:43-51) Jesus reveals His omniscience to Nathanael and identifies Himself with Jacob's Ladder. [69 minutes] |
11 John 2 1-11 | New Wine (John 2:1-11) Jesus performs an unusual miracle at a wedding feast. [64 minutes] |
12 John 2 12-22 | Cleaning House! (John 2:12-22) Jesus cleanses His Father's House. [63 minutes] |
13 John 2 23-25 | Are You Ready for God's Friendship? (John 2:23-25) Belief in the signs Jesus performed does not qualify as Biblical faith. True faith invests itself in the One which the signs authenticate: Jesus Himself. Those who do so are assured of eternity in heaven the moment they believe. [60 minutes] |
14 John 3 1-10 | Nick at Night (John 3:1-10) Nicodemus comes to Jesus by way of night only to learn that the way to God involves a spiritual birth rather than adherence to a set of rules for living. (Due to technical difficulties the original recording is not available. The link here is to part 2 of the presentation which reviews the missing material.) |
15 John 3 1-15 | Nick at Night - Part 2 (John 3:1-15) Nicodemus comes to Jesus by way of night only to learn that the way to God involves a spiritual birth rather than adherence to a set of rules for living. [63 minutes] |
16 John 3-16 | The Bible's Greatest Verse (John 3:16) Within what has come to be the most famous verse in the Bible (and very likely the most quoted sentence ever spoken), Jesus underscores the greatness of the love of God in sacrificing His Son to redeem those who are lost. [62 minutes] |
17 John 3 17-21 | Two Great Contrasts (John 3:17-21) Jesus explains that disbelief is not neutral: it is motivated by a love of darkness and the desire to hide one's evil deeds. A path out of the darkness is available for all who come to God's light by exercising faith in the Son of God. [64 minutes] |
18 John 3 22-36 | Is He Increasing Or Are You? (John 3:22-36) John the Baptist assumes a lesser role while pointing to his superior and successor: Jesus Christ. [69 minutes] |
19 John 4 1-6 | Three Strikes - You're Not Out (John 4:1-6) God's grace overcomes the personal failures of those who seek Him in humility and transparency. [65 minutes] |
20 John 4 7-19 | Are You Thirsty? (John 4:7-19) A thirsty outcast finds living water providing eternal life. [64 minutes] |
21 John 4 20-27 | Authentic Worship (John 4:20-27) Jesus' interaction with a Samaritan woman reveals a coming change in the location and manner of worship. This change pertains to a new dispensation in God's program: the Church Age. [68 minutes] |
22 John 4 28-42 | Real Nourishment (John 4:28-42) A sinner at Sychar becomes a soul-winner: a Samaritan woman becomes an effective evangelist. [70 minutes] |
23 John 4 43-54 | Christ's Power Over Disease and Distance (John 4:43-54) In healing a nobleman's son, Jesus exhibits His power over disease and points to His identity as the Messiah, the Son of God. In response, an entire household comes to faith. [58 minutes] |
24 John 5 1-18 | Get Up and Walk! (John 5:1-18) Jesus heals a man suffering with an infirmity for 38 years yet is condemned for performing this miracle on the Sabbath. [71 minutes] |
25 John 5 19-30 | Christ's Equality with the Father (John 5:19-30) Jesus, the God-man, makes the amazing statement that "all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father." [67 minutes] |
26 John 5 31-47 | Can I Have a Witness? (John 5:31-47) Jesus brings forth six witnesses concerning His identity as the Son of God. [67 minutes] |
27 John 6 1-15 | I Shall Not Want (John 6:1-15) Jesus feeds more than 5000 people from five barley loaves and two fish. [62 minutes] |
28 John 6 16-21 | Jesus Our Protector (John 6:16-21) Christ demonstrates compassion for His disciples and His power over nature by walking on water to rescue them. [67 minutes] |
29 John 6 22-40 | How to Get Rid of a Crowd, Part 1 (John 6:22-40) Jesus claims to be life-giving bread. Those who trust in Him are secure in their expectation of being raised at the last day. [61 minutes] |
30 John 6 41-59 | How to Get Rid of a Crowd, Part 2 (John 6:41-59) Jesus dismays His critics with a difficult teaching concerning his life-giving ministry. [69 minutes] |
31 John 6 60-71 | How to Get Rid of a Crowd, Part 3 (John 6:60-71) Some of Jesus' disciples take offense and depart from the Master. [64 minutes] |
32 John 7 1-13 | Surrounded by Unbelief (John 7:1-13) The brothers of Jesus and the crowds at the Feast of Tabernacles remain skeptical about Jesus. [71 minutes] |
33 John 7 14-24 | A Lack of Originality (John 7:14-24) Jesus indicates that His teaching is not His own, but that of the Father Who sent Him. [62 minutes] |
34 John 7 25-36 | Do You Know About Him or Do You Know Him? (John 7:25-36) Many people know about Jesus and assume they know God. Yet only those who are in a personal relationship with Jesus really know God who sent Him. [66 minutes] |
35 John 7 37-39 | Ministering Spiritual Life (John 7:37-39) Jesus predicts a new ministry of the Spirit where living waters will flow out of the heart of Church-age believers. [63 minutes] |
36 John 7 40-53 | Two Reactions (John 7:40-53) The teachings of Jesus result in division among those who hear His message. [68 minutes] |
37 John 8 1-11 | Grace and Truth (John 8:1-11) The Pharisees bring an adulteress before Jesus to test His interpretation of the Law of Moses. Jesus upholds the process of the law while demonstrating God's grace in restoring the woman who had fallen in sin. [66 minutes] |
38 John 8 12-20 | The Light of the World (John 8:12-20) The Pharisees challenge Jesus' claim to be the light of the world. Jesus indicates that they don't know Him because they don't know the Father Who sent Him. [63 minutes] |
39 John 8 21-30 | Claims, Confusion, and Conversions (John 8:21-30) Jesus makes powerful claims in the midst of skeptics resulting in the conversion of many. [70 minutes] |
40 John 8 31-33 | One Kind of Faith (John 8:31-33) It is one thing to believe in Jesus. It is another to abide in His Word as a disciple in order to know the truth and experience freedom. [69 minutes] |
41 John 8 34-47 | Lies and Murder (John 8:34-47) By their lies and desire to murder Jesus, the Pharisees prove to be sons of the devil rather than true sons of Abraham. [67 minutes] |
42 John 8 48-59 | The Great I AM (John 8:48-59) The Jews attempt to stone Jesus for explaining that He existed before father Abraham and for identifying Himself as the great "I AM" of Exodus 3. [54 minutes] |
43 John 9 1-12 | How the Blind Can See, Part 1 (John 9:1-12) Jesus gives sight to a man who was born blind revealing the works of God. [72 minutes] |
44 John 9 13-23 | How the Blind Can See, Part 2 (John 9:13-23) Jesus gives sight to a man who was born blind revealing the works of God. [71 minutes] |
45 John 9 24-34 | How the Blind Can See, Part 3 (John 9:24-34) Jesus gives sight to a man who was born blind revealing the works of God. [65 minutes] |
46 John 9 35-41 | How the Blind Can See, Part 4 (John 9:35-41) Jesus gives sight to a man who was born blind revealing the works of God. [62 minutes] |
47 John 10 1-10 | Jesus the Good Shepherd, Part 1 (John 10:1-10) Jesus is the Good Shepherd Who gives His life for the sheep which follow after Him. [64 minutes] |
48 John 10 11-18 | Jesus the Good Shepherd, Part 2 (John 10:11-18) Jesus is the Good Shepherd Who gives His life for the sheep which follow after Him. [64 minutes] |
49 John 10 19-31 | Attempted Murder, Part 1 (John 10:19-31) Unbelieving Jews attempt to stone the Great Shepherd in reaction to His claim of equality with God. [73 minutes] |
50 John 10 32-42 | Attempted Murder, Part 2 (John 10:32-42) Unbelieving Jews attempt to stone Jesus for making Himself God. [61 minutes] |
51 John 11 1-16 | His Way or Our Way? (John 11:1-16) Jesus delays in responding to a sick man so that an even greater work of God might be made manifest. [66 minutes] |
52 John 11 17-28 | From Frustration to Faith (John 11:17-28) Mary responds in faith in the bold claim of Jesus that He is "the resurrection and the life" and that those who believe in Him will live beyond death. [71 minutes] |
53 John 11 29-37 | A Man of Sorrows (John 11:29-37) After weeping at the site where Lazarus lies dead, Jesus glorifies God by raising Lazarus in a bold demonstration of His life-giving power. [70 minutes] |
54 John 11 38-45 | The Best is Yet to Come (John 11:38-45) Jesus demonstrates His power over death by raising a man who has been dead for four days. [69 minutes] |
55 John 11 46-57 | The Power of Unbelief (John 11:46-57) Would unbelief vanish in the face of sufficient evidence? The reaction of the Pharisees to Jesus' raising of Lazarus demonstrates otherwise. [70 minutes] |
56 John 12 1-11 | What is Worship? (John 12:1-11) Mary worships Jesus at great expense by anointing Him with fragrant oil. [70 minutes] |
57 John 12 12-19 | The Triumphal Entry (John 12:12-19) Jesus rides into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday fulfilling predictions by Zechariah (Zec. 9:9) and Daniel (Dan. 9:25) concerning the manner and timing of His presentation as king to Israel. [70 minutes] |
58 John 12 20-26 | Discipleship: Its Definition and Importance (John 12:20-26) Becoming a disciple of Jesus is a costly, life-long process. [79 minutes] |
59 John 12 27-31 | What Am I Doing Here? (John 12:27-31) Our purpose in life is closely connected with God’s ultimate purpose for the ages: to glorify Himself. [68 minutes] |
60 John 12 32-36 | A Suffering Messiah? (John 12:32-36) Jesus urges His listeners to respond in faith while He is still in their midst. [74 minutes] |
61 John 12 37-43 | Smarter Than Jesus? (John 12:37-43) Many religious leaders reject Jesus while others who believe refuse to confess their faith due to the fear of man. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
62 John 12 44-50 | Thankful for What? (John 12:44-50) Jesus did not come to judge, but to save the world. Those who reject Him are judged by God's Word while those who trust in Him gain eternal life. [1 hour 14 minutes] |
63 John 13 1 | Introduction to the Upper Room Discourse (John 13:1) The intimate time during which Jesus taught His disciples on the night of His betrayal lays the foundation for understanding much that follows in the New Testament. [1 hour 6 minutes] |
64 John 13 1-11 | Our Two Washings (John 13:1-11) Believers are "bathed" upon placing their faith in Christ. Thereafter, they continue "washing" as a means of remaining in fellowship with the Father. [1 hour 17 minutes] |
65 John 13 12-17 | How to Be Blessed (John 13:12-17) Jesus promises a blessing for those who follow in His example of servant-hood. [1 hour 16 minutes] |
66 John 13 18-19 | History in Advance (John 13:18-19) At the Last Supper, Jesus demonstrates His divine foreknowledge by identifying His betrayer in advance. [1 hour 1 minute] |
67 John 13 20-30 | The Test of Time (John 13:20-30) Jesus identifies His betrayer who subsequently departs leaving Jesus alone with His genuine disciples. [1 hour 13 minutes] |
68 John 13 31-35 | The Ultimate Argument (John 13:31-35) Disciples of Jesus are known by their love for one another. [1 hour 19 minutes] |
69 John 13 36-38 | Not By Might Nor By Power (John 13:36-38) We will not succeed in God’s work when done "our way." Instead, we must wait on the Lord and submit to the work of His Spirit in our lives. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
70 John 14 1-4 | Did Jesus Refer to the Rapture? - Part 1 (John 14:1-4) What did Jesus mean when He promised to return and receive believers to Himself? [1 hour 4 minutes] |
71 John 14 1-4 | Did Jesus Refer to the Rapture? - Part 2 (John 14:1-4) What did Jesus mean when He promised to return and receive believers to Himself? [1 hour 7 minutes] |
72 John 14 1-4 | Did Jesus Refer to the Rapture? - Part 3 (John 14:1-4) What did Jesus mean when He promised to return and receive believers to Himself? [1 hour 9 minutes] |
73 John 14 1-4 | Did Jesus Refer to the Rapture? - Part 4 (John 14:1-4) What did Jesus mean when He promised to return and receive believers to Himself? [1 hour 6 minutes] |
74 John 14 1-4 | Did Jesus Refer to the Rapture? - Part 5 (John 14:1-4) What did Jesus mean when He promised to return and receive believers to Himself? [1 hour 15 minutes] |
75 John 14 5-7 | Only One Way? (John 14:5-7) Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. [1 hour 17 minutes] |
76 John 14 8-14 | Praying in Jesus' Name (John 14:8-14) Believers will do greater works than Jesus through dependence upon the Holy Spirit whom Jesus would send upon His departure. [1 hour 14 minutes] |
77 John 14 15-20 | Loving God? (John 14:15-20) We demonstrate our love for Jesus by keeping His commandments. [1 hour 15 minutes] |
78 John 14 21-26 | The Benefits of Obedience (John 14:21-26) Jesus reveals Himself to those who love and obey Him. [1 hour 5 minutes] |
79 John 14 27-31 | The Peace of Christ (John 14:27-31) Even though Jesus was soon to depart, the disciples could have peace knowing the Holy Spirit would be sent in His absence. [1 hour 11 minutes] |
80 John 15 1-3 | The Secret of Fruit-Bearing - Part 1 (John 15:1-3) To produce spiritual fruit, believers must abide in Christ. [1 hour 9 minutes] |
81 John 15 4-5 | The Secret of Fruit-Bearing - Part 2 (John 15:4-5) To produce spiritual fruit, believers must abide in Christ. [1 hour 4 minutes] |
82 John 15-6 | The Secret of Fruit-Bearing - Part 3 (John 15:6) To produce spiritual fruit, believers must abide in Christ. [1 hour 18 minutes] |
83 John 15 7-8 | The Secret of Fruit-Bearing - Part 4 (John 15:7-8) To produce spiritual fruit, believers must abide in Christ. [1 hour 17 minutes] |
84 John 15 9-15 | The Fullness of God's Love (John 15:9-15) To produce spiritual fruit, believers must abide in Christ. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
85 John 15 16-17 | The Benefits of Loving God (John 15:16-17) The benefits of loving God include joy, friendship with God, fulfilling one's purpose, bearing fruit, praying effectively, and the ability to love others. [1 hour ] |
86 John 15 18-23 | The World vs. The Christian (John 15:18-23) If the disciples of Christ were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because they are not of the world, but chosen out of the world, therefore the world hates them. [1 hour 7 minutes] |
87 John 15 24-27 | The World's Hostility and God's Resources (John 15:24-27) The Holy Spirit will witness to the disciples concerning Jesus Christ so that they, in turn, can witness to the world concerning Jesus. [1 hour 13 minutes] |
88 John 16 1-7 | Religious Blindness (John 16:1-7) Jesus warns of a time when those who kill Christians will believe they are serving God. [1 hour 14 minutes] |
89 John 16 8-9 | True Evangelism (John 16:8-9) The work of the Holy Spirit includes convicting the world of sin. [1 hour 16 minutes] |
90 John 16 10-11 | True Evangelism - Part 2 (John 16:10-11) The evangelistic work of the Holy Spirit includes convicting the world of righteousness and judgment. [1 hour 1 minute] |
91 John 16 12-13a | The Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture (John 16:12-13a) The Holy Spirit communicates by revelation, inspiration, and illumination. [1 hour 15 minutes] |
92 John 16 13b | Things to Come (John 16:13b) The revelatory ministry of the Holy Spirit includes information concerning the fulfillment of God's plan for history. [1 hour 17 minutes] |
93 John 16 12-13 | What Would Jesus Do? (John 16:12-13) Are the red letters in our Bible the most important? The answer to this question is found in understanding how Jesus viewed the inspiration and authority of Scripture. [1 hour 2 minutes] |
94 John 16 14-22 | Darkest Before the Dawn (John 16:14-22) At the death of Jesus, the disciples would go through a period of confusion before being comforted by the truth of the resurrection. [1 hour 12 minutes] |
95 John 16 23-28 | The Privilege of Prayer (John 16:23-28) Jesus explains the Christian privilege of prayer, empowered by the promised arrival of the Holy Spirit. [56 minutes] |
96 John 16 29-33 | Jesus, Our Overcomer - Part 1 (John 16:29-33) Believers overcome the world through their union with Jesus, the Overcomer. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
97 John 16 33 | Jesus, Our Overcomer - Part 2 (John 16:33) Believers overcome the world through their union with Jesus, the Overcomer. [1 hour 6 minutes] |
98 John 17 1-5 | The Lord's Prayer, Part 1 (John 17:1-5) Christ prays that He would be glorified together with the Father. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
99 John 17 6-11 | The Lord's Prayer - Part 2 (John 17:6-11) Jesus continues His prayer for the disciples by requesting that the Father keep those who were given out of the world. [1 hour 7 minutes] |
100 John 17 12-16 | The Lord's Prayer - Part 3 (John 17:12-16) Like Jesus, believers are hated because they are not of the world. [1 hour 4 minutes] |
101 John 17 17-19 | The Lord's Prayer - Part 4 (John 17:17-19) The unity of the true Church is based upon an accurate understanding of God's truth as revealed in Scripture rather than ecumenical shallowness which disdains doctrinal accuracy. [1 hour 3 minutes] |
102 John 17 20-23 | The Lord's Prayer - Part 5 (John 17:20-23) The unity of the true Church is based upon an accurate understanding of God's truth as revealed in Scripture rather than ecumenical shallowness which disdains doctrinal accuracy. [1 hour 16 minutes] |
103 John 17 24-26 | The Lord's Prayer - Part 6 (John 17:24-26) The unity of the true Church is based upon an accurate understanding of God's truth as Jesus declared to His disciples and as recorded in God's Word. [1 hour 12 minutes] |
104 John 18 1-9 | Our Voluntary Substitute (John 18:1-9) Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested by night. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
105 John 18 10-11 | God's Breaking Process (John 18:10-11) God begins to reveal Peter's failures and limitations in preparation for a more effective ministry in the future. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
106 John 18 12-24 | A Sharp Contrast (John 18:12-24) The bold and consistent testimony of Jesus during His trials is contrasted with Peter's denials of His Lord. [1 hour 15 minutes] |
107 John 18 24 | The Power of Unbelief (John 18:24) Fifteen legal rules were violated when Jesus was placed on trial by the Jews. [1 hour 7 minutes] |
108 John 18 25-32 | God is in Control (John 18:25-32) When God works in our life through difficult means, we must remember that God is still in control. [1 hour 20 minutes] |
109 John 18 33-36 | Clarifying Kingdom Confusion (John 18:33-36) What did Jesus mean when he told Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world"? [1 hour 11 minutes] |
110 John 18 37-40 | A Portrait of the Atonement (John 18:37-40) A guilty man is approved and the perfect lamb of God is condemned. [1 hour 9 minutes] |
111 John 19 1-5 | The Wages of Sin (John 19:1-5) As a consequence of our sin, Christ endures scourging and mocking on the way to the cross. [1 hour 1 minute] |
112 John 19 6-11 | The Silence of God (John 19:6-11) God does not force Himself upon those who continually reject His truth. [1 hour 19 minutes] |
113 John 19 12-16 | A Friend of Christ or Caesar (John 19:12-16) Those who are friends with the world system make themselves the enemies of God (James 4:4). [1 hour 14 minutes] |
114 John 19 17-24 | The Horror of the Cross (John 19:17-24) Those who crucified Christ unknowingly fulfilled many Old Testament predictions. [1 hour 7 minutes] |
115 John 19 25-28a | It is Finished! - Part 1 (John 19:25-28a) Jesus continues to minister to others in the moments leading up to his death on the cross. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
116 John 19 28b-30a | It is Finished! - Part 2 (John 19:28b-30a) Jesus, God's Passover Lamb, finishes the work providing reconciliation with God for you and I. [1 hour 17 minutes] |
117 John 19 30b-37 | Many Infallible Proofs (John 19:30b-37) On the cross, Jesus fulfilled many predictions the Old Testament makes concerning the Suffering Messiah. [1 hour 14 minutes] |
118 John 19 38-42 | From Believer to Friend (John 19:38-42) Is it possible to be a secret disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and truly be saved? [1 hour 14 minutes] |
119 John 20 1-10 | The Empty Tomb (John 20:1-10) The empty tomb provides powerful evidence that Jesus overcame death, not just for Himself, but for all those who place their trust in Him. [1 hour 3 minutes] |
120 John 20 11-18 | From Agony to Ecstasy (John 20:11-18) Tragedy is turned into triumph as Mary tells the disciples that Jesus has risen from the dead. [1 hour 15 minutes] |
121 John 20 19 | His Peace (John 20:19) God's peace comes from knowing the true Prince of Peace. [1 hour 13 minutes] |
122 John 20 20-21 | The Great Commission or the Great Omission? (John 20:20-21) Are you a disciple who is fearful of being an apostle? Are you an apostle who is fearful of being a disciple? In either scenario you are outside the will of God. God wants us to be both. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
123 John 20 22-23 | Our Power and Message (John 20:22-23) The coming of the Spirit empowered the Church to preach the message of the gospel wherein sins can be forgiven. [60 minutes] |
124 John 20 24-26 | Not Unbelieving But Believing - Part 1 (John 20:24-26) Should we always expect God to address our skeptical requirements when approaching Him? [1 hour 11 minutes] |
125 John 20 27-29 | Not Unbelieving But Believing - Part 2 (John 20:27-29) Blessed are those who have not seen Jesus, yet believe in Him. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
126 John 20 30-31 | The Meaning of Life - Part 1 (John 20:30-31) Understanding Who Jesus is and being persuaded of His identity brings us into relationship with God and gives life true meaning. [1 hour 3 minutes] |
127 John 20 30-31 | The Meaning of Life - Part 2 (John 20:30-31) God's gift of life is available through our response in faith. [1 hour 2 minutes] |
128 John 20 30-31 | The Meaning of Life - Part 3 (John 20:30-31) The gift of eternal life requires that we be born again, by the power of God's regenerating Spirit. [1 hour 9 minutes] |
129 John 21 1-7 | Humble Obedience (John 21:1-7) God tests the prideful knowledge of a group of professional fishermen concerning how to catch fish. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
130 John 21 8-14 | Ministering to the Whole Person (John 21:8-14) As important as our physical needs may be, our spiritual relationship with Christ is far more important. [1 hour 9 minutes] |
131 John 21 15-17 | Entertaining the Goats or Feeding the Sheep? (John 21:15-17) What crucial task was entrusted to the Apostle Peter by Our Lord? [1 hour 14 minutes] |
132 John 21 18-19 | Living With a Death Sentence (John 21:18-19) Peter's faith found expression in his continued walk in God's purpose while living with the knowledge of an impending martyr's death. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
133 John 21 20-25 | The Danger of Date Setting (John 21:20-25) Our focus as believers should be fulfilling the job Jesus gave us rather than trying to satisfy our curiosity by guessing when and how prophetic events may unfold. [1 hour 6 minutes] |
Copyright © 2023 by Andy Woods
(Version 1.5 generated on Sat Dec 2 20:54:01 2023)