Daniel by Andy Woods |
Session | Description |
01 Introduction to Daniel | Introduction to Daniel (Deuteronomy 28:49-50) Andy lays a foundation for understanding the verse-by-verse teaching to follow. [1 hour 12 minutes] |
02 Daniel 1 1-7 | The Blessings of Overcoming the World (Daniel 1:1-7) Daniel walked according to God’s principles in the midst of a pagan environment. [1 hour 13 minutes] |
03 Daniel 1 8-16 | The Blessings of Overcoming the World, Part 2 (Daniel 1:8-16) Daniel walked according to God’s principles in the midst of a pagan environment. [1 hour 7 minutes] |
04 Daniel 1 17-21 | The Blessings of Overcoming the World, Part 3 (Daniel 1:17-21) Daniel walked according to God’s principles in the midst of a pagan environment. [56 minutes] |
05 Daniel 2 1-23 | God Reveals Mysteries (Daniel 2:1-23) God reveals Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, saving the lives of Daniel and his companions. [1 hour 4 minutes] |
06 Daniel 2 24-36 | Panorama of History (Daniel 2:24-36) Nebuchadnezzar's dream reveals a sequence of world powers which prevail from Daniel’s time until the second coming of Jesus Christ. [1 hour 1 minute] |
07 Daniel 2 37-45 | God’s Unshakeable Kingdom (Daniel 2:37-45) The series of great Gentile kingdoms will eventually be eclipsed by the Kingdom of God on earth. [1 hour 9 minutes] |
08 Daniel 2 46-49 | God Rewards Faithfulness (Daniel 2:46-49) Daniel was found faithful in the difficult circumstances in which God placed him. [1 hour 1 minute] |
09 Daniel 3 1-12 | Disobeying the Government? (Daniel 3:1-12) Although the Bible teaches respect for authority, there are rare circumstances where the people of God must follow a higher law. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
10 Daniel 3 13-27 | The Fourth Man in the Fire (Daniel 3:13-27) God saves three young Hebrews as they disobey their government to follow the path of higher law. [1 hour 6 minutes] |
11 Daniel 3 28-30 | The Incomparable God (Daniel 3:28-30) Who is like God, majestic in holiness, awesome in praises, working wonders? [53 minutes] |
12 Daniel 4 1-18 | An Attitude Adjustment Seminar (Daniel 4:1-18) God warns Nebuchadnezzar in a dream that his pride will lead to judgment. [1 hour 1 minute] |
13 Daniel 4 19-33 | The Perils of Pride (Daniel 4:19-33) God judges Nebuchadnezzar’s pride until he comes to know that God rules in the kingdom of men. [1 hour 8 minute] |
14 Daniel 4 34-37 | The School of Hard Knocks (Daniel 4:34-37) God is able to humble those who walk in pride. [1 hour] |
15 Daniel 5 1-12 | God is Not Dead! (Daniel 5:1-12) Although it may not look like it sometimes, God is in complete control of the progress of history. [1 hour] |
16 Daniel 5 13-23 | To Whom Much is Given Much is Required! (Daniel 5:13-23) Belshazzar fails to properly respond to the information God had graciously given him. [1 hour 3 minutes] |
17 Daniel 5 24-31 | The Folly of False Security (Daniel 5:24-31) When he least expected it, Belshazzar found himself under God's judgment. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
18 Daniel 6 1-11 | The Principles of Prayer (Daniel 6:1-11) When persecution arises, Daniel turns to God in prayer. [59 minutes] |
19 Daniel 6 12-17 | Balance in the Christian Life (Daniel 6:12-17) An effective Christian life balances spiritual and practical disciplines such as prayer and service. [1 hour 2 minutes] |
20 Daniel 6 18-28 | We Serve a Risen Savior (Daniel 6:18-28) God delivers Daniel from the power of the Lions. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
21 Daniel 7 1-8 | God's Control of History (Daniel 7:1-8) Daniel receives a vision of the Times of the Gentiles which parallels Nebuchadnezzar's earlier dream. [1 hour 3 minutes] |
22 Daniel 7 9-14 | The Limits of Evil (Daniel 7:9-14) The terrifying beasts of Daniel’s vision will be judged by the Ancient of Days. [1 hour 12 minutes] |
23 Daniel 7 15-22 | The Blessed Hope (Daniel 7:15-22) The Church will not be present to endure the fourth, exceedingly dreadful beast, which Daniel saw in his vision. [1 hour 15 minutes] |
24 Daniel 7 23-25 | World Governments on the Horizon, Part 1 (Daniel 7:23-25) Daniel is shown a final, evil world government which will ultimately be eclipsed by the arrival of the kingdom of God on earth. [59 minutes] |
25 Daniel 7 25 | World Governments on the Horizon, Part 2 (Daniel 7:25) Daniel is shown a final, evil world government which will ultimately be eclipsed by the arrival of the kingdom of God on earth. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
26 Daniel 7 26-28 | World Governments on the Horizon, Part 3 (Daniel 7:26-28) Daniel is shown a final, evil world government which will ultimately be eclipsed by the arrival of the kingdom of God on earth. [1 hour 2 minutes] |
27 Daniel 8 1-8 | A Hebrew Fourth of July, Part 1 (Daniel 8:1-8) The historic fall of great world powers such as Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome serves as a warning to any nation of the need for humility and godly leadership. [59 minutes] |
28 Daniel 8 9-14 | A Hebrew Fourth of July, Part 2 (Daniel 8:9-14) The historic fall of great world powers such as Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome serves as a warning to us of the need for humility and godly leadership. [1 hour 6 minutes] |
29 Daniel 8 15-22 | A Foreshadowing of Things to Come (Daniel 8:15-22) The actions of Antiochus Epiphanes IV foreshadow those of the Antichrist yet to come. [1 hour 6 minutes] |
30 Daniel 8 23-27 | An Antichrist Prefigurement (Daniel 8:23-27) The actions of Antiochus Epiphanes IV foreshadow those of the Antichrist yet to come. [1 hour 11 minutes] |
31 Daniel 9 1-3 | A Personal Relationship with God (Daniel 9:1-3) Even while a captive in an enemy land, Daniel had a vibrant personal relationship with God. [1 hour 12 minutes] |
32 Daniel 9 4-19 | Praying Within God’s Will (Daniel 9:4-19) To move the hand of God, believers must pray according to His will. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
33 Daniel 9 20-23 | God Answers Prayer (Daniel 9:20-23) God responds to those who are faithful and righteous in the little things. [1 hour 5 minutes] |
34 Daniel 9 24-27 | The Prophetic Timeline (Daniel 9:24-27) Gabriel's prophecy of seventy sevens is key to understanding the big picture of God's prophetic timeline. [57 minutes] |
35 Daniel 9 24-27 | God's Perfect Timing (Daniel 9:24-27) The first sixty-nine of Daniel’s seventy sevens were fulfilled when Jesus presented Himself to Israel as king. [1 hour 6 minutes] |
36 Daniel 9 24-27 | The God of the Gaps (Daniel 9:24-27) We are living in the gap between the 69th and 70th "week" of the prophecy Gabriel gave to Daniel. [1 hour 4 minutes] |
37 Daniel 9 24-27 | God Knocks Us Down So We Will Look Up (Daniel 9:24-27) For the believer, adversity from God is always intended to bring about greater dependence upon Him. [1 hour 2 minutes] |
38 Daniel 9 24-27 | The Prophetic Jigsaw Puzzle (Daniel 9:24-27) A detailed examination of the prophecy which Gabriel gave Daniel concerning the Jews and Jerusalem. [1 hour] |
39 Daniel 9 24-27 | The Prophetic Jigsaw Puzzle, Part 2 (Daniel 9:24-27) A detailed examination of the prophecy which Gabriel gave Daniel concerning the Jews and Jerusalem. [1 hour 5 minutes] |
40 Daniel 10 1 | The Invisible War, Part 1 (Daniel 10:1) Events in the material world are influenced by an invisible spiritual conflict behind-the-scenes. [1 hour 2 minutes] |
41 Daniel 10 2-11 | The Invisible War, Part 2 (Daniel 10:2-11) Events in the material world are influenced by an invisible spiritual conflict behind-the-scenes. [1 hour 2 minutes] |
42 Daniel 10 12-13 | The Invisible War, Part 3 (Daniel 10:12-13) Events in the material world are influenced by an invisible spiritual conflict behind-the-scenes. [1 hour 7 minutes] |
43 Daniel 10 14-11 1 | The Invisible War, Part 4 (Daniel 10:14-11:1) Events in the material world are influenced by an invisible spiritual conflict behind-the-scenes. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
44 Daniel 11 2-4 | How History Glorifies God (Daniel 11:2-4) Even those who believe their will has a significant influence upon history unwittingly serve God’s purposes. [1 hour 1 minute] |
45 Daniel 11 5-12 | Wars are Determined (Daniel 11:5-12) History is littered with conflicts and wars, especially in relation to God’s purposes for the Promised Land and the nation of Israel. [1 hour 12 minutes] |
46 Daniel 11 13-20 | Wars are Determined, Part 2 (Daniel 11:13-20) History is littered with conflicts and wars, especially in relation to God’s purposes for the Promised Land and the nation of Israel. [1 hour 10 minutes] |
47 Daniel 11 21-24 | What Has Been Will Be Again (Daniel 11:21-24) The intertestamental ruler Antiochus Epiphanes IV foreshadows the ultimate Antichrist. [1 hour 14 minutes] |
48 Daniel 11 25-30 | The Precision of Prophecy (Daniel 11:25-30) The Holy Spirit makes detailed predictions to Daniel. [1 hour] |
49 Daniel 11 31-32 | One Plus God is a Majority (Daniel 11:31-32) When God is on your side numerical strength is irrelevant. [1 hour 3 minutes] |
50 Daniel 11 33-35 | Blessed to be a Blessing (Daniel 11:33-35) God blesses His chosen instruments, be they nations or people, in order to bless the world. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
51 Daniel 11 36-37 | Not My Will But His (Daniel 11:36-37) The enemies of God will attempt to assert their will, eventually over the entire globe, but God’s purpose will prevail. [1 hour 9 minutes] |
52 Daniel 11 37-38 | Why the World Hates Jesus (Daniel 11:37-38) The seed of the serpent hates the seed of the woman. [1 hour 5 minutes] |
53 Daniel 11 38-41 | A Spiritual Counterfeit (Daniel 11:38-41) Those who don’t know God will fall for the coming counterfeit spiritual leader. [1 hour 7 minutes] |
54 Daniel 11 42-45 | Spiritual Peace First (Daniel 11:42-45) The Antichrist will emulate the Prince of Peace--but peace won't last. [1 hour 6 minutes] |
55 Daniel 12 1-2 | God's Protective Care (Daniel 12:1-2a) A powerful angel watches over Israel during her time of tribulation. [1 hour 11 minutes] |
56 Daniel 12 2 | Resurrections in Review (Daniel 12:2b) Every person will participate in one of two resurrections: one leading to life or one leading to everlasting contempt. [1 hour 7 minutes] |
57 Daniel 12 3 | Resurrections Unto Reward (Daniel 12:3) One day, believers will stand before Christ in judgement for rewards. [1 hour 4 minutes] |
58 Daniel 12 4 | Progressive Illumination (Daniel 12:4) Believers today can have more understanding than Daniel had concerning the revelation that was given through Daniel. [1 hour 12 minutes] |
59 Daniel 12 5-7 | Weakening the Strong (Daniel 12:5-7) The Jews will find Messiah Jesus through difficult times. [1 hour 13 minutes] |
60 Daniel 12 8-10 | The Righteous and Wicked Contrasted (Daniel 12:8-10) The character and destiny of the righteous and wicked couldn’t be more different. [1 hour 8 minutes] |
61 Daniel 12 11-12 | A Consecrated Temple (Daniel 12:11-12) Daniel is informed of prophetic time periods. One of 1,290 days and another of 1,335 days. What takes place during these time periods? [1 hour 5 minutes] |
62 Daniel 12 13 | The Only Promise Keeper (Daniel 12:13) Daniel will rest and rise to an inheritance at the end of the days. [1 hour 3 minutes] |
Copyright © 2023 by Andy Woods
(Version 1.5 generated on Sat Dec 2 20:54:01 2023)