Q367 : The Seals of Revelation and Cardinal vs. Ordinal Numbering

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Q367 : The Seals of Revelation and Cardinal vs. Ordinal Numbering

I am writing to you from France. I am passionate about the scriptures and have been studying for several years now. Spending days and nights there, but you must know what it is.

As I say so often, who is the idiot who by entering a gold mine and having access to everything for free would take only one small nugget ... I have at heart to study "the end of time and what goes with it ". It seemed so complex to me that I had never looked into it too much. But when I hear all the different doctrines on this, so I decided to study for myself, and it was while researching that I came across your teachings. I have two questions if you don't mind.

The first is: Are your books translated into French? I find it so unfortunate that many very good teachings are never translated into this language.

And the second is scriptural. As you probably know, Genesis 1 verse 5 does not say first day, but day one and then second day, third day etc.

In Revelation 6.1 "mia" is translated by one, and not first . . . seal. While then it is written second seal, third seal, etc.

You and I know that every word is important in the scriptures. Naturally I looked in the Greek writings, dictionary etc ... except the fact that they speak of an "idea of movement," I do not see anything explanatory on the subject.

Perhaps you could enlighten me further.

Thanking you in advance. A big thank you for your teachings, and a big thank you for having free access.

May God strengthen you and lead you in everything. May we stand firm until the end of the race, keeping our eyes on Him.

A367 : by Tony Garland

Are your books translated into French? I find it so unfortunate that many very good teachings are never translated into this language.

To the best of my knowledge, the Revelation Commentary has not been translated into French (or any other language). The copyright of the commentarya is intended to encourage such translation, and states in part: Anyone may reproduce and distribute unmodified or translated copies of this commentary in any media provided that this copyright notice is retained in full. Although I don't have the resources to make this happen, it is my hope that this would occur where God provides the necessary resources to bring it about.

Regarding Revelation 6:1, the Greek phrase is

μίαν ἐκ τῶν ἑπτὰ σφαγίδων [mian ek tōn hepta sphagidōn]

and describes the seal as “one [μίαν [mian]] from [among] the seven seals” (NKJV, ESV, NASB95, HCSB, NET).

The term mia can also be translated “first” (NIV84) since the “one” is selected from the group of seven in order to be opened. Thus, the one selected is also the first opened in the sequence. The other seals then follow in relative order: τὴν δευτέραν [tēn deuteran] (the second, Rev. 6:3), τὴν τρίτην [tēn tritēn] (the third, Rev. 6:5), τὴν τετάρτην [tēn tetartēn] (the fourth, Rev. 6:7), etc.

The majority of translations give μίαν [mian] its primary meaning in the English text: “one.”

It would seem as if the phrase “one from among” the seven is intended to highlight the sovereignty (volitional control) of the Lamb over the order in which the seals are opened. Since the Lamb initially selects “one from among” the seals to be opened, the reader may infer the order in which the remaining seals (second, third, fourth, etc.) are opened is no less in accord with His sovereign selection. Thus, the selection of “one from among” the set of seven—which is emphasized when selecting the first seal to be opened—establishes the pattern for the entire selection process.

The order in which the seals are opened is not in any way arbitrary, but completely in accord with the will of the Lamb.

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