5.5 - Revision History

November 21, 2024
Minor corrections.
December 11, 2023
Update email contact information.
August 12, 2023
Change spelling to Habakkuk (from Habbakuk).
April 30, 2020
The home navigation button within each page leads to the Expanded Table of Contents rather than the Abbreviated Table of Contents.
September 6, 2019
Contents at the head of each section now link to the Expanded Table of Contents. Improvements to use of “Ibid.” within citations.
August 1, 2019
Added new buttons to pages to make it easier to get a copy of the commentary and to subscribe to newsletters. See Finding Your Way Around.
July 17, 2019
Add Temple of the Believer to The Temples of God chart.
October 20,2018
Minor corrections. Changed bible address inter-commentary link symbol from plus to star.
October 11, 2018
Minor corrections.
May 29, 2018
Minor corrections.
July 7, 2017
Correct population statistics for tribes of Judah and Issachar in Camp of Israel.
January 14, 2015
Changes to HTML format. No longer producing short page (per-section) version. Added navigation table listing subsections at top of each long page.
October 7, 2013
Verses from the book of Daniel provide an appended “plus” link to the companion online commentary. Minor corrections.
January 31, 2013
Revised visual format and alignment within tables.
December 30, 2012
Numerous minor corrections. See errata for hardback volume 1 and volume 2.
February 12, 2009
Added a new section defining common Abbreviations to the preface. Moved revision history from the Preface to Reference Information. Typographical corrections.
December 18, 2006
Typographical corrections.
November 8, 2006
Converted generic quotes to right- and left-hand quotes. Typographical corrections.
September 21, 2006
Restructured the table comparing the The Structure of the Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia to work better with Libronix. Typographical corrections.
August 2, 2006
Modified names of SwordSearcher book and commentary files to protect compatibility with future versions of SwordSearcher. Typographical corrections.
July 22, 2006
Added new section explaining HTML Page Formats. Typographical corrections.
July 10, 2006
Typographical corrections. Long-overdue update of print-format edition.
May 18, 2006
Added quote from Irenaeus in commentary on Revelation 7:4. Added citation from Waymeyer in Understanding Symbols and Figures. Minor correction in Babylon is Jerusalem?. Typographical corrections.
January 7, 2006
Corrected missing cross-references within Topic Index. Typographical corrections.
January 3, 2006
Expanded commentary on Revelation 17:10. Added citation from the Jerome Biblical Commentary to Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and Daniel’s Vision. Added chart describing Key Interpretive Issues in Revelation 20:1-6 to commentary on Revelation 20:1. Html versions of the commentary now available with both short and long page sizes. Typographical corrections.
November 12, 2005
Added accents to transliterations within SwordSearcher version. Typographical corrections.
November 3, 2005
Corrected alphabetization of Glossary entries. Restored secondary index entries in Topic Index which were omitted in some formats. Added new section contrasting Babylon and the New Jerusalem. Moved commentary at end of Revelation 17:4 which was incorrectly placed at the introduction of Revelation 17. Added a citation by Dr. John Niemelä to commentary on Revelation 5:9. Added book by Waymeyer to Additional Resources on the Millennial Kingdom. Typographical corrections.
October 8, 2005
Corrected problem which caused omission of entries in scripture index for books of Daniel and Zechariah in some formats. The Scripture Index now lists each verse within a verse range, not just the first verse. Typographical corrections.
September 15, 2005
Corrected errors in section links for SwordSearcher version. Modified instructions on how to use the commentary within SwordSearcher. Typographical corrections.
September 6, 2005
Revised the section on the Rejection of the Book of Revelation to remove an erroneous statement and citation indicating that the Westminster Confession of Faith rejected the Apocalypse from the Canon. Typographical corrections.
June 16, 2005
Added footnote to commentary on Revelation 13:3. Fixed Automatic Lookup example. Added a citation to The Millennial Kingdom in the Early Church. Typographical corrections.
April 14, 2005
Added related passages to commentary on Revelation 12:1. Revised Revelation 19:20 and Beast Worshipers are Unique. Typographical corrections.
February 10, 2005
Added citation to Additional Resources on the Rapture. Corrected missing section numbers from verse-by-verse commentary within the Libronix PBB version. Typographical corrections.
January 1, 2005
Typographical corrections in automatic transliteration of Greek. Added notice of registration with United States Copyright Office effective July 8, 2004. Moved mislocated paragraph to end of Revelation 14:20.
December 2, 2004
Added information to Babylon is Jerusalem?. This is the first version available for use with the free e-Sword Bible study software. Corrected Greek transliteration error where initial smooth breathing mark was not being removed.
November 23, 2004
Corrected problem in SwordSearcher and Libronix PBB versions where verse ranges only included the first verse in the range.
November 10, 2004
Added topic milestone markers to the Topic Index so that topic index entries operate in the active index of the Libronix PBB version.
November 8, 2004
Corrected heading levels in Topic Index and Scripture Index which were causing problems for the table of contents within the Libronix PBB version.
October 31, 2004
Corrected minor formatting inconsistencies concerning citations.
October 30, 2004
The HTML version and the Libronix Personal Book version now generate individual files for every section in the commentary. This greatly reduces individual page size leading to improved performance loading a new page.
October 26, 2004
First version available for use with the Sword Searcher Bible study program.
October 15, 2004
Modifications to improve operation of the Libronix PBB version of the commentary: (1) Section titles at the top of each page no longer use H1 formatting codes which confused Libronix’s notion of levels in the table of contents; (2) Replaced navigation buttons which appear in each section with text links to work around what appears to be a problem with linked images within the Libronix PBB compiler. Typographical corrections, including corrections to numerous Bible addresses with incorrect chapter or verse numbers.
October 12, 2004
Moved Acknowledgments, Special Permission, Copyright, About the Author, and Revision History under a new Preface section at the beginning of the table of contents. Modified the Topic Index for Libronix PBB versions to limit the number of entries at each topic. (The full index is available on the web at www.SpiritAndTruth.org/id/revc.htm?Topic_Index.)
October 8, 2004
Greek transliteration now includes macrons to differentiate eta from epsilon and omega from omicron. Hebrew transliteration now differentiates between various vowels. Collapsed abbreviated Table of Contents. Added citation by Svigel to Revelation 3:14. Expanded Additional Resources on the Rapture. Added a citation to the section titled Book of Mormon which discusses DNA evidence against the idea that Native Americans are descendants of a lost tribe of Israel. Fixed citations in Revelation 9:7. Expanded commentary on Revelation 1:7. Typographical corrections. This is the first version available in Libronix PBB format for use with the Libronix Bible Study program.
April 22, 2004
Removed diagram of Daniel’s Outline of the Future which previously appeared in the section titled Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and Daniel’s Vision. We obtained initial permission to include this image in digital versions of the commentary, but were unable to procure permission for printed media. Copyright notices are now directly marked on all copyrighted images. Typographical corrections.
April 14, 2004
Related topics are now in alphabetical order. Added new section: Tables and Figures. Typographical corrections.
March 27, 2004
First draft of completed commentary. Revised Beasts, Heads, and Horns diagram so it can be more easily printed. Glossary and topical index items are now included in the expanded table of contents so they will be found in searches. Fixed capitalization within Scripture passages. Rearranged related topics to be in alphabetical order. The scripture index is now separated into a separate file for each Bible book. Added new section Acknowledgments. Typographical corrections.
March 20, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 22. Typographical corrections.
March 14, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 21. Typographical corrections.
March 07, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 20. Added new section: Millennial Kingdom. Typographical corrections.
February 29, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 19. Added new section: Marriage of the Lamb. Revised commentary at Revelation 1:1, and Revelation 1:2 concerning the testimony of Jesus. Typographical corrections.
February 21, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 18. Typographical corrections.
February 14, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 17. Added new section: Babylon and the Harlot. Added new section: Audio Course. Added new map to Sheep in Bozrah. Typographical corrections.
February 8, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 16. Added new section: Campaign of Armageddon. Typographical corrections.
February 3, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 15. Typographical corrections.
January 30, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 14. Added new section: Finding Your Way Around. Added buttons to verse-by-verse commentary which provide access to the audio teaching associated with each verse. Added new diagram from Charting the End Times to Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and Daniel’s Vision. Typographical corrections.
January 23, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 13. Revised section: Nero. Typographical corrections. Added new Glossary entries which point to their corresponding articles under Related Topics.
January 17, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 12. Added new section: Beasts, Heads, and Horns. Typographical corrections.
January 7, 2004
Added new section: Revelation 11. Added new section: Temple of God. Added new section: The Plagues of Egypt and the Tribulation. Added new section: Events of the 70th Week of Daniel. Added new section: Prophetic Year. Revised existing section: Supernatural Origin? Typographical corrections.
December 24, 2003
Added new section: Revelation 10. Typographical corrections.
December 18, 2003
Added new section: Revelation 9. Added new section: Five: Provision, Fullness, Grace. Added new subsection concerning the Beast: Relation to the Pope. Typographical corrections.
December 4, 2003
Added new section: Revelation 8. Added new section: When Does the Day of the Lord Dawn?. Typographical corrections.
November 28, 2003
Fixed problem with links between files under Netscape (URL’s contained DOS back slashes which are now converted to forward slashes). Typographical corrections.
November 24, 2003
Added new section: Revelation 7. Added new section: Ten Tribes Lost?. Typographical corrections.
November 18, 2003
Added new section: Revelation 6. Added new section: Zechariah’s Horses. Added wood cut images by Albrecht Durer. Typographical corrections. Added parallel companion bible viewer. Added ability to open bible from commentary for each verse.
November 11, 2003
Added new section: Revelation 5. Added new section: Camp of Israel. Typographical corrections.
November 5, 2003
Added new section: Revelation 4. Added new section: Four Gospels. Typographical corrections.
October 30, 2003
Added new section: Revelation 3. Added new section: Rapture. Added new section: Book of Life. Typographical corrections.
October 20, 2003
Added new section: Revelation 2. Added new section: Crowns. Added new section: Jezebel. Added new section: Worldly Churches. Added new section: Who is the Overcomer?. Revised Seven Churches of Asia. Added new picture of Domitian Gold Coins to Failure in Fulfillment. Typographical corrections.
October 9, 2003
Added a section titled Automatic Lookup which describes how to automatically open the commentary at a specified section or verse. Added first draft of verse-by-verse commentary for Revelation 1. Added first draft of a section titled the Seven Churches of Asia. Added first draft of a section titled Imminency.
September 15, 2003
Added support for automatically opening the HTML commentary by chapter and verse, section number, or fragment of the section title. Some examples: index.htm?2.1 opens the commentary at section 2.1; index.htm?symbols opens the commentary at the first section which has the word ‘symbols’ in its title; and index.htm?1:10 opens the commentary at chapter 1 and verse 10.
September 08, 2003
Incorporated feedback from reviewers. Added a new section on the symbolic meaning of the number two. Added new diagrams illustrating the recapitulation and sequential views of the Literary Structure.
August 16, 2003
First draft of all introductory subjects. Introduction without verse-by-verse commentary.
May 2003
Began background study for introduction.

Copyright © 2004-2024 by Tony Garland
(Content generated on Thu Nov 21 16:22:54 2024)